March 24, 2016

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Learning Goals
I am learning to

identify the tools I use in my learning;
describe my learning using appropriate activities I have completed in the course;
reflect on my strengths and my next steps.

Today, we will be working on our Learner’s Toolkits!



  1. Make a copy of the Learner’s Toolkit document.
  2. Name it   YourName Learner’s Toolkit.
  3. Put the document in your ENG3C or ENG4C folder.
  4. Complete all the sections of the toolkit that you can following my model.

You will revisit this toolkit at mid-term and again at the end of the semester.

Share your Learner’s Toolkit with me via the Assignment Submission page.

We also need to complete our independent book reviews and post them to our Goodreads group.

Other outstanding work: Inquiry plan, annotated article, and research note.

If you need any of the course handouts, please see the Filing Cabinet.

March 23, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Google Hangout: Minecraft and Ideas for Building

Learning Goals
I am learning to
-use a variety of listening strategies to understand information and ideas

You will all be listening with a purpose. Have your Listening Assessment handy. This will be due after the discussion.

Our first round of prompts will be

  1. What is your vision for reconciliation in your future? What will this look like?
  2. What will you build or craft (in Minecraft or outside of Minecraft) that will represent this vision of reconciliation?
  3. Does this vision connect to one of the calls to action? If so, please explain the call to action in student-friendly terms.

After we’ve heard from everyone I will explain the set-up of our Minecraft world. Then, we will go back around and ask students the following:

  1. What is one connection you made between your vision and another groups vision of reconciliation?
  2. Do you have any ideas or thoughts on how we should set-up our world?

Lastly, I will ask each class to suggest one “norm” for our Minecraft community. One thing we need to all keep in mind while building together.

With remaining time, you will read and write about your reading.

March 22, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Learning Goals

  • make inferences about what I have read today
  • stay on topic during a small group discussion
  • describe my learning using appropriate activities I have completed in the course;
  • reflect on my strengths and my next steps.

We will begin today with our reading routine: read, track your reading, and write using one prompt from our bookmarks.

While you read, I will begin our assessment conferences. I will be interrupting some of you during your reading and again during your conversations about reconciliation.

At your tables, talk through the following questions and then, write your responses in your notebook.

Thinking about Reconciliation

  1. What is your vision for reconciliation in your future? What will this look like?
  2. What will you build or craft (in Minecraft or outside of Minecraft) that will represent this vision of reconciliation?
  3. Does this vision connect to one of the calls to action?

Be ready to consider the following tomorrow

  1. What is one connection you made between your vision and another groups vision of reconciliation?
  2. Do you have any ideas or thoughts on how we should set-up our world?
  3. Suggest one “norm” for our Minecraft community. One thing we need to all keep in mind while building together.
March 20, 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016

I am learning to…

  • identify a variety of my skills in speaking, listening, viewing, representing, reading, and writing;
  • describe my learning using appropriate activities I have completed in the course;
  • reflect on my strengths and my next steps.

What have you learned?
How well have you learned it?

You will be receiving progress reports at home for all of your courses. In this course, you are learning to determine your own mark. We will use the opportunity of progress reports to practice how to go about thinking about your learning and evaluating it.

Review the tools we use in this course
1. Tracking Sheet–>a list of all the activities we do and your completion of them
2. Learner’s toolkit–>a list of many of the tools you need to learn to use to be an excellent learner…..don’t say “NO” to any item now. You can say “NOT YET” and explain why not yet.
3. Sesame–>where you house evidence of your learning and your thinking about learning
4. Evidence of learning –>connects the activities to the curriculum; that is, what are you learning by doing the activity

Review: Evidence of Learning document
1. Highlight each activity that you have completed
2. Review the feedback you received on the items
3. Choose the best activity in each strand and circle it
4. Write your observations or comments about your learning