January 11, 2020

Course Summative Tasks

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Course summative Tasks are due no later than tomorrow -Jan. 15- at midnight.

  1. Writer’s portfolio and all drafts and planning, self-edit sheets;
  2. Reflective Essay;
  3. Learning Skills page completed.

Wednesday: Exam Review

  1. Exam Review sheet.
  2. Together make notes about what we have learned this semester.
  3. Quizlet.
  4. Notes on examination: purpose, length, your preparation, reflection, next steps.

The course summative is made up of three parts. You will complete all three parts to earn this credit. You will share the portfolio and the reflection with me via the assignment submission page found on the blog. This work is to be completed independently.  

Tasks 1 and 2 due no later than January 15 at midnight. 

  1. Writer’s Portfolio
  2. Reflective Essay——>Let’s review this task today.
  3. Examination
January 5, 2020

Course Summative


BEFORE we discuss the course summative pieces, I would like you to update the tracking sheet.

All purple and gold tasks need to be completed and submitted to me by January 10th.

And remember that when you are completing the collaborative mind map, you must include evidence from your course work (quotes from texts read, assignments that provide evidence, etc.).

The course summative is made up of three parts. You will complete all three parts to earn this credit. You will share the portfolio and the reflection with me via the assignment submission page found on the blog. This work is to be completed independently.  

Tasks 1 and 2 due no later than January 15 in class.  

  1. Writer’s Portfolio
  2. Reflective Essay
  3. Examination