March 23, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Google Hangout: Minecraft and Ideas for Building

Learning Goals
I am learning to
-use a variety of listening strategies to understand information and ideas

You will all be listening with a purpose. Have your Listening Assessment handy. This will be due after the discussion.

Our first round of prompts will be

  1. What is your vision for reconciliation in your future? What will this look like?
  2. What will you build or craft (in Minecraft or outside of Minecraft) that will represent this vision of reconciliation?
  3. Does this vision connect to one of the calls to action? If so, please explain the call to action in student-friendly terms.

After we’ve heard from everyone I will explain the set-up of our Minecraft world. Then, we will go back around and ask students the following:

  1. What is one connection you made between your vision and another groups vision of reconciliation?
  2. Do you have any ideas or thoughts on how we should set-up our world?

Lastly, I will ask each class to suggest one “norm” for our Minecraft community. One thing we need to all keep in mind while building together.

With remaining time, you will read and write about your reading.

March 6, 2016

Monday, March 7, 2016


D2L Link

Google Hangout #2 Focus

Choose the ‘most important’ Call to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Report of Canada and share with the rest of the group.

1. What is the recommendation?

2. What are some examples of that recommendation in action?

3. Why is this the most important recommendation to focus on to reach reconciliation?

Prompts to help us ask questions to other classes: 

  • what did you mean by… ?

  • can you explain more about …. ?

  • I’m not sure what …. means. Could you explain more about that?

  • why do you think …. ?

IF you decide not to join the conversation on camera, please join it off camera in D2L. Simply log into D2L and once on the HOME screen, click on the chat icon (seen below between the HOME button and the BADGE button).

Remember to practice your digital citizenship skills. It’s ok if we disagree; in fact, we often learn the most from people who don’t think the same way about a topic or issue as we do. If we keep an open mind and listen intently, we may discover value in other’s perspectives. Be honest. Be respectful. Be fair.

Screen Shot 2016-03-06 at 9.41.10 AM

POST-hangout you will go into the discussion forum to “What does Reconciliation Mean” and post your thoughts.


You will complete a pre-literature circle form to determine the groups.

You will choose a novel as a group.

You will go to #craftreconciliation Goodreads group and post a pre-reading prediction.


  1. Tell your Google Hangout Story.
  2. What book did you choose? Who is in your group? Have you been in a literature circle or study before?
February 22, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

Good day! This is the first Google Hangout day!

We need to introduce ourselves to the #craftreconciliation community. We will be joining Ms. Black’s class for this event.

Google Hangout Agenda: 
  1. A welcome, prayer and encouragement from Sandra Peltier
  2. Adrian will introduce us.
  3. Austin will introduce the community.
  4. Opportunity for classes to ask a question to others about their communities 
  5. We will  provide 5 words that summarize or describe their community 
  6. Opportunity for classes to ask a question to others about their 5 words/community 
  7. Ms. Calder will wrap things up and challenge students to:
      1. To thank Sandra Peltier on this padlet here: 
      2. Introduce themselves in our online discussion forum – complete the “handshake” 
      3. Brainstorm and suggest things to help us create our community norms on this Padlet: 
      4. To learn and share what they learn about Residential Schools, Indigenous Canadian cultures
      5. To start thinking about what reconciliation means to them – we will talk about it next time 


We will view the handshake from Orangeville Secondary School and talk about using the D2L online space a bit more.

Students with devices:

  1. Check the tracking sheet. Leave a comment for items you have completed.
  2.  Finish your handshake (and post on D2L). See me for login information.
  3. Add a snap to sesame with your 4 goals for the semester.
  4. Wiki editing.

Students not on devices:

  1.  Read 20min and track
  2. Finish your research note from the first TRC article
  3. Finish Writing prompt #1
  4. Finish Reading log #1

Don’t forget to get your permission form signed to have access to D2L!