April 24, 2018

Exploring Power and Resilience

Read: Lit Circle Text #3 and make reader’s notes

Lit Circle is on Friday. We will generate questions for the Lit Circle on Thursday. 

Goodreads post #2 due Friday.

 Concept map: Add course text to the map
  • How does POWER emerge or appear in the text? 
  • Who has POWER? 
  • What does that POWER look like?
  • How does the author convey the idea of POWER?

Remember that concept maps move from the general to the specific. This means that you need to add examples from the text.

General conceptual map.


Needs textual evidence, images.

Terrific use of language of the disciple (narrative elements and literary devices). 




Needs page references. 

Moves from the GENERAL to the SPECIFIC clearly.


April 20, 2018

Making Connections: “Power”Concept map and literature

Reading strategies self-evaluation

Revisit list of power words: add resiliency, if it’s not there already

Concept map: Add course text to the map

  • How does POWER emerge or appear in the text? 
  • Who has POWER? 
  • What does that POWER look like?
  • How does the author convey the idea of POWER?

Remember that concept maps move from the general to the specific. This means that you need to add examples from the text. 

February 5, 2018

Concept Mapping

This course is about power: wanting it, getting it, controlling it, losing it, and abusing it. Each unit will focus on a different aspect of power. But before we explore the different aspects of power let’s look at the vocabulary of power because language is a key weapon in discovering power. 

The Concept Map Lesson



February 5, 2018


Course outline coming soon!


Google Drive vs OneDrive vs OneNote: The option is yours. 

I work in Google.

I won’t typically go into OneNote, just like I typically would not go into your binder. 

You DO need a digital space to work in. 

I don’t use Outlook to communicate with students. If you work in Google, you will make copies of the documents I create for you. If you work in OneDrive, you will download the documents and upload them to your ENG3C folder in OneDrive. If you work in OneNote, you will copy and paste the document into your folder. 

There are pros and cons to all of our options. 

I will ask you to write your long pieces of writing in either a Google doc or a Word doc. 

I will ask you to share all work with me via the Assignment Submission page found on this blog. 

Let’s set up some workspaces up and then you can decide.

Go to Google Drive or One Drive and create a folder called: ENG3C 2018.

Now, move  Unit 1, Activity 1 lesson and instructions into your folder. 

Finally, go to OneNote. Let’s review how to 

  • customize 
  • pick up a page link to share
  • copy a page


  • Food and drink
  • Personal devices
  • Lates
  • Plagiarism 

Finally, I would like you to respond to one or more of the classroom policies.

CHOOSE a place to write.


Then share your writing with me via the Assignment Submission page on this blog.