March 1, 2018

Literature Circle Prep

Quiz #3

We will begin today with generating questions for our literature circle discussions. 

QFT = Question Formulation Technique. 


6 mins jot down as many questions you can think of that connect to your literature circle text

2 mins identify open and closed questions

2 mins change one open to closed and one closed to open

2 mins rank your questions from strongest to weakest

Add questions to a document and prepare responses using the text and your reader’s notes. 

Work on concept map. 

Work on “Power” paragraph. 

March 1, 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


One Independent novel to be finished by March 2nd. 

Read and track your reading.

After spending three weeks building our background knowledge, today we begin an inquiry about reconciliation. You will need to decide where to go with the idea of reconciliation.

To reconcile, or to start over, is always tough to do. But people can start by telling their stories, by listening deeply to each other, and by believing that reconciliation is a worthwhile goal.


Research begins with a good question. We’ll start with a QFT (Question Formulation Technique) to help us develop some questions that have some space for exploration. The question prompt is:

Canadians are tolerant of people’s heritage, customs, and religious beliefs; we are far less racist than any other country.

We will use the questions we generate in the QFT to help guide our research. We begin by creating a plan – Inquiry Planner to track our thinking.

We’ll break into our groups:

Group 3 (On devices)

  1. Check the tracking sheet. Leave a comment for items you have completed.
  2. Add a thank you to the padlet.
  3.  Finish your handshake (and post on D2L). See me for login information. If your have your permission form signed!
  4. Add a snap to for each of your 4 goals for the semester.
  5. Add week #1 (Feb. 22-26) reflection to Sesame: What did I learn?
  6. Wiki editing. Submit your Editing Sheet to the class bin.

Groups 1&2

  1. Finish inquiry planner
  2. Finish annotation and article note (handout) on Article #2
  3. Complete the RWB article work: annotating for a purpose question
  4. Finish your research note from the first TRC article
  5. Finish Writing prompt #1
  6. Finish Reading log #1

If you are finished all of the above work, see me.