Monday, May 30, 2016

Learning Goal:
I am learning to
Set a purpose for listening
Use a variety of listening strategies to understand information and ideas
Identify the purpose and audience of media text
Identify the various conventions and techniques of a media text

Today is our FINAL Google Hangout: Please complete a final Listening – Google Hangout Assessment.

We will discuss:
What did you craft and explain how it represents your vision of reconciliation?
What did you learn, or ‘reflect on your learning’ throughout this project?
What is your final ‘take home message’ or hope for the future?

Next, we will consider media analysis.
Why did we choose a Google Hangout over Skype?

Now you consider the movie poster. What are the codes and conventions of the movie poster?

Identify the audience for each poster and how you know
Identify the purpose of the movie poster and how you know

slides by Neil Ford

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