May 19, 2021

Introductory Note for Unit 3


Cyberpunk and Neuromancer Lecture, part II

Prepare a note (Unit 3)


Neuromancer, the novel

Complete the reader’s note entries that I have selected. Remember to use all the resources provided to you (located in Content Library: Unit 3)

  1. locate the quote in the pdf text
  2. add the page number to the note
  3. read all around the quote to establish context
  4. analyze the quote
May 17, 2021


Working on an Independent Study Unit. 

  1. Review the instructions and timelines (hint: we are at conference #2 or reader’s notes for the second half of the novel should be completed).
  2. Work on reader’s notes. 
    1. Read handouts on close reading.
    2. Review the big ideas of the lecture that your novel connects to.
  3. Schedule time to work on notes independently (hence the title of the task–ISU)
  4. Conference to get feedback and/or share your notes with me for feedback.